Founded on Faith -- Built with Hope -- Growing in Love
Trauma Retreat at St. Bavo
Our next JONAH retreat will be held on Saturday, All Souls Day November 2nd at the St. Bavo Parish Center
The acronym says it all: Jesus Overcomes Numbness, Anger and Hatred. Participants will hear testimonies from people who have encountered God’s healing and transformative grace through their experiences of trauma. Participants will not be asked to share their own traumatic experiences with others, but to pray and journal about them in private.
The cost is $25 per person. Married couples are strongly encouraged to participate together. The hours of the retreat are 9:00am – 10:00pm, including the 5:00 Mass and an opportunity for confession in the evening.
For further information or to sign up, please contact the parish office
(574) 255-1437